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Public Speaking

Spanning over 30 years within the real estate and construction industry, I have undertaken many projects. Most outcomes have been a success, but some did not quite hit the mark! These, however, were some of the best lessons learnt. Through this personal development and educational growth, I have established a wealth of knowledge and experience that I can draw upon to ensure I make a well-informed decision.

When looking back, I wished I had someone to mentor and assist me when making the pivotal decisions. Based on my own history and experience, I can now give back to this industry that has provided so much for me. If you are just starting your journey in this field of work or would benefit from some motivation and enlightenment, I am happy to reach out to you!

You may not be in construction at all but are interested in the insight and empowerment I have discovered from my own success and failure, and the advice I can share when taking that giant leap to start your own business and make it successful.

You’ll learn, laugh and cry at the same time. It won’t look pretty, but you’ll come out feeling invigorated and empowered to make your next move.